[imp] Delete emails in spam folder instead of moving to trash
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Thomas Trethan
2016-02-04 15:16:04 UTC
I configured IMP to move deleted emails to the trash folder. This
behaviour is used for emails marked as spam (in the spam folder) too.
Wouldn't it be better to really delete spam email instead of moving
them to the trash first? Therefore treating the spam folder
identically to the trash folder on deleting/emptying. Personally I
find it quite annoying getting "normal" and spam emails mixed up in
the trash folder. Any opinions?
Regards Tom

DI (FH) Thomas Trethan

Sankt-Hubertus-Gasse 2
3441 Judenau-Baumgarten

Tel: +43 676 6469571
E-Mail: ***@trethan.net
Web: www.trethan.net[1]

[1] http://www.trethan.net
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Simon B
2016-02-04 15:27:58 UTC
Post by Thomas Trethan
I configured IMP to move deleted emails to the trash folder. This
behaviour is used for emails marked as spam (in the spam folder) too.
Wouldn't it be better to really delete spam email instead of moving them to
the trash first? Therefore treating the spam folder identically to the
trash folder on deleting/emptying. Personally I find it quite annoying
getting "normal" and spam emails mixed up in the trash folder. Any opinions?

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