[imp] sent-folder not deleted during monthly maintenance
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Jens Grüntjes
2016-06-01 10:15:47 UTC
Hi list,

today I realized that my old sent-mail folders were not deleted during
today's maintenance tasks. In my preferences I set "Delete old sent
mail mailboxes after this many months ..." to 36, i.e. 3 years. But I
find folders called "sent-mail-10-2010", so these are almost 6 years

I have several identities which have two different sent-mail folders,
one called "sent-mail" the other one "Sent". The first one is the one
I used from the beginning the latter one I created first about a year

Is it possible that the maintenance tasks is confused because of the
two sent folders? The monthly renaming of the folders works for both
but deleting does not. Any hints?

Thanks for your help
Jan Schneider
2016-06-06 08:20:36 UTC
Post by Jens Grüntjes
Hi list,
today I realized that my old sent-mail folders were not deleted
during today's maintenance tasks. In my preferences I set "Delete
old sent mail mailboxes after this many months ..." to 36, i.e. 3
years. But I find folders called "sent-mail-10-2010", so these are
almost 6 years old.
I have several identities which have two different sent-mail
folders, one called "sent-mail" the other one "Sent". The first one
is the one I used from the beginning the latter one I created first
about a year ago.
Is it possible that the maintenance tasks is confused because of the
two sent folders? The monthly renaming of the folders works for both
but deleting does not. Any hints?
Thanks for your help
I don't see anything suspicious in the code of this login task, it
should loop over all identities' sent mail folders.
Jan Schneider
The Horde Project
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